Best is getting ‘wereldwijzers’

In Aarlesche Erven, we are constructing a new building for care and education. A nice place where 0 to 13-year-olds can develop into 'world changers'. The building is located in natural surroundings and is ideally suited for tailor-made education. Here, the first 'wise-maker' is the child you learn from and who moves next to you in the same building or the child from another country you speak to via Skype.

From a safe base, "wereld wijzers" debate and explore 'real problems'. What is going on? How can we contribute something in this? Who do we need? Together, we explore the world's possibilities and come up with the most appropriate solution.

Teacher + coach = "wereld wijzers"
Respecting nature, the new building will be built as sustainably as possible.
It is designed for indoor and special unit teaching, maximising the offerings tailored to the individual. We make education here together. Together with the children, with nature, with our environment, with schools elsewhere in the world, with parents and together with an enthusiastic club of professionals.
Children can work in unique labs inside the building and wonder outside the building. With the right balance between transferring knowledge (by the professional as teacher) and developing skills (by the professional as coach), they discover how things work in... 'the real world'.
Sometimes they reap the fruits immediately and in other cases they experience that some ploughing and sowing is needed before they can reap. By experiencing both disappointment and success, each child reaps self-confidence and becomes more worldly.

COME Op 't erf

At 't Erf, we create a fine learning environment in which every child gets optimal opportunities to develop himself and grow together with others to become "wereldwijzer". 

Want to know if it fits? Unfortunately, you can't walk in yet, but I'm happy to tell you everything I know about the new child centre. 

Marieke Snoeks
director Op 't Erf


Together we are building Op't Erf and you can follow the latest developments here! 


Step by step, we are building Op 't Erf. 


We are building
Op 't Erf


Together, we are working to create a development space for future globetrotters!

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